I found some small aluminium strips today at Norweld but they have still not solved the problem of the top coming slightly away from the milling vice.
I have to make the flat 4mm from the edge of the cylinder. How do I measure that without removing the work piece from the vice ? I cannot get my digital vernier in there and I am trying to avoid removing the cylinder all the time.
I am advancing the carriage by 0.25mm at a time, How much of the 12mm cutting bit should I be using when taking a cut : 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 ….the whole thing ? Using the whole bit tends to cause it to dig in as you can see from the photo.
This is my practise cylinder so I can afford to experiment a little on this one. I still have two more cylinders to mill after this ( I am building two engines at once).

Edited By Brian John on 31/07/2017 08:25:42