I have come across a Hall Toledo orbital valve grinding machine that I bought years ago on spec and forgot about. This is a clever machine that is mounted on a pilot fitted in the valve guide. It rotates the grinding wheel at something like 10k rpm, and the clever bit is that the grinding stone then orbits the valve seat at 10 rpm. I would like to get this machine back in action.
Having stopped the motorised unit blowing fuses, I have set about making the missing stone dressing unit.
There are some very tired looking stones with the unit and I could do with finding some replacements. The unit is designed for large valve seats I think, so the stones I need would be at the bottom of the size range and ideally 45 degrees plus or minus 15 degrees. I have emailed Hall Toledo in the US but so far no response. It is a bit of a long shot but does anyone have any stones kicking around that they would part with?
I also need an 11/32" pilot. I am thinking I could make one of these but if anyone has one floating about I could find a use for it.