Robert has confirmed what I suspected, that the 3/16 pins were a later, incorrect, modification.
The problem with any pre owned machine, particularly a really old one, is that there is little way ofknowing what incorrect modification shave been done.
The half nuts jumping out, probably caused by the incorrect pins being fitted, may be the reason why the lathe was sold,
Getting it back to original specification, as closely as possible, has to be the first step along the road to correct operation.
With regard to Leadscrew alignment, may i suggest the following as means of effecting an improvement?
(Having made two new 1/4" diameter pins, with 3/16 BSW threads, hopefully the half nuts will engage satisfactorily. )
1 ) Slacken the bolts retaining the Leadscrew bearings at both ends of the bed.
This will allow the Leadscrew to move in the vertical plane.
2 ) Move the Saddle to the Headstock end and engage the half nuts. It may be necessary to rock the chuck to and fro to obtain engagement.
3 ) Tighten the bolts
4 ) Disengage the half nuts, and move the Saddle to the Tailstock end.
5 ) Engage half nuts.
6 ) Tighten bolts.
Disengage half nuts and recheck Leadscrew alignment measurements. Hopefully they will now be more alike!
This may be the time to reshim the Apron to ensure optimum alignment with the Leadscrew.
These processes might need to be repeated to get the best fit and operation.
If the banjo is tight to move, that is another problem to investigate and solve, but AFTER the above has been completed and finalised., without any further movement of the Leadscrew bearings!
Eliminate one problem at a time, or you will merely confuse matters and not know what is causing what.
Edited By Howard Lewis on 28/11/2021 06:55:49
Edited By Howard Lewis on 28/11/2021 06:56:35