I agree OLD MART and JASON, you need both hands when milling to get proper control, BUT you dont need a wheel!!! Maybe the newer generation of machinists have only used handwheels (I have no idea how old you are,,,,I am almost 71)and have no experience with the traditional 3 ball straight handles where you “roll” both hands on the handle, its hard to describe but easy to do when demonstrated for you.
I think maybe you all have the wrong idea how I use them, left hand on the orange ball right on the red,,,turn anticlockwise with both hands until orange is at bottom and green on top, move left hand from orange to green, right still on red, when red is at bottom orange on top move right hand from red to orange left stays on green ,,,,a smooth turning continuous movement….NOT ONE HANDED like drilling! I hope you can understand this description, as I said its easy to be shown hard to describe.
Same sort of hand movement as the traditional straight 3 ball handle insted you have three hand position on mine not just both ends on handle. This photo is the type of mill I did my trade on showng what I call traditional 3 ball![Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 12.35.10 pm]()