Had Another Go


Had Another Go

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  • #777633
    David Jupp

      NO – as I’ve now said twice in above posts, the path and profile sketches do not have to meet/contact.

      It generally makes more sense if they do, even if just for an ‘understandability’.

      Jason’s latest screenshot clearly shows the sweep working when the sketches are some distance away form each other.


      If in doubt, just try it anyway.  Nothing lost if it doesn’t work, and the error message may help you to work out what needs to be done to fix it.

      If it works, but gives a result you didn’t expect, you will probably learn something – or at least have a specific question to ask.


        Right I have got Nigels file and this is one way to proceed.



        Open the file

        Right click on the red “sweep” in the tree on the left and click delete.

        Right click “sketch 1” also in the tree on the left.

        Now your icons are a bit different to mine but you should have similar. First click “select all” which will make everything on the 2D sketch go blue.

        Then click “copy”

        Then Click “Deactivate Sketch”

        Click ignor to the warning.



        Now click the “ZX Plane” probably easiest from the list on the left

        Click activate 2D sketch

        Click “paste” and that will put the sketch you just copied onto the screen

        Click “deactivate sketch”



        Now you can do the sweep by Clicking the “sweep” tab at the top

        It may well automatically put sketch two in the “sketch to sweep box” if not click that box and then the sketch either from list or screen

        Click the path box and again select what is now “Sketch 3” from list or screen

        If all is well you will then have your chassis so click OK at the bottom of the sweep box.

        Video is just uploading


        Another option would be to just delete the red “sweep” , select ZX plane and redraw the guide lines then use that in a new sweep.


            On Nigel Graham 2 Said:

            Mmm. I didn’t think it would even be swept because I thought the right part of the section has to meet the start of the guide-line, as well as being the right way round of course.

            My reason for saying it was important to set them both at 300mm or half chassis width in your case was to make it easier as it saves having to workout offsets you just need the width between the rails front and back. Also it make sit easy to mirror the other chassis rail if you have set the first the correct distance from the ctr line. And going forwards you will have a chassis that is symmetrical so other parts and be assembled easily on that same ctr  linelike the boiler.

            For a one off sweep it is not a requirement that they touch

            Nick Wheeler
              On Nigel Graham 2 Said:

              Mmm. I didn’t think it would even be swept because I thought the right part of the section has to meet the start of the guide-line, as well as being the right way round of course.

              Any demonstration or exercise should be designed to work first time; so while the sweep is possible when they don’t touch, it’s more likely to do what you expect if they do. Especially when the path has been deliberately offset from what will become the chassis centre line so that the opposite rail can be mirrored from the first. That’s not advanced but a basic technique that ought to be learnt from the start to save time, effort, thinking and potential cockups.

              I turn off the visibility of planes, grid and axes(and any snaps to them) because they’re only useful when beginning a sketch; once it’s started it’s more helpful to think about top, bottom, sides, centre etc of the object instead of abstract construction geometry.

              As an aside, to me these rails with the ‘C’ on the outside look odd. Everything I’ve worked on them has it on the inside, with the crossmembers notched to them:



                So following on from that I’m sure Nigel and everyone else spotted that the sweep does not actually follow the guide which was the correct 6″ from ctr line at the front and 7.25″ at the rear. So lets correct that.


                Right click “sketch 2” and select “edit”

                As you had copied the C section it comes without dimensions so rather add them for overall width and the thickness of the web. Then when you enter half chassis width of 6″ from the centre line the whole thing will move.

                Deactivate sketch and the swept profile is now in th eright place.

                Generate to last and save.

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