Right I have got Nigels file and this is one way to proceed.
Open the file
Right click on the red “sweep” in the tree on the left and click delete.
Right click “sketch 1” also in the tree on the left.
Now your icons are a bit different to mine but you should have similar. First click “select all” which will make everything on the 2D sketch go blue.
Then click “copy”
Then Click “Deactivate Sketch”
Click ignor to the warning.
Now click the “ZX Plane” probably easiest from the list on the left
Click activate 2D sketch
Click “paste” and that will put the sketch you just copied onto the screen
Click “deactivate sketch”
Now you can do the sweep by Clicking the “sweep” tab at the top
It may well automatically put sketch two in the “sketch to sweep box” if not click that box and then the sketch either from list or screen
Click the path box and again select what is now “Sketch 3” from list or screen
If all is well you will then have your chassis so click OK at the bottom of the sweep box.
Video is just uploading
Another option would be to just delete the red “sweep” , select ZX plane and redraw the guide lines then use that in a new sweep.