Lots of ways to draw a long line in Atom3D…
- Use scroll wheel to zoom out whilst the line tool is active
- Click+hold middle mouse (scroll wheel) to pan the workspace whilst the line tool is active
- Draw a short line and later dimension it to the required length
- Place Reference Points (you can place points by co-ordinates) in the part at key locations in the workspace, then sketch in lines joining these to form your path
- Use ‘Real Time Dimensioning’ to type in line length and angle when placing the line
If ‘getting the right point’ is a problem – adjust zoom level with scroll wheel AND also check the ‘Snap Threshold’ value in System Options -> Parts/Assemblies -> Sketching – if too large it’ll be all to easy to chose the wrong point of several close together, if too small it’ll be almost impossible to select anything unless exactly on top of it. I find 3.0mm to be a good value on my system, but this does depend on display size/monito DPI etc.
If a line end has attached to the wrong point/node and you want to change that, hold down the Ctrl key whilst dragging it away (this overrides the co-incident constraint between nodes).
You can also sketch in the line roughly when zoomed out, deliberately NOT attaching the end(s) – juet place it some where roughly in the right area. After line is placed roughly, then zoom in and add co-incident sketch constraints between the correct point/node and the line end.