Oh, if you’ve spent “hundreds of hours” learning then using 3D modelling it’s certainly precious to you!
The so-called “cloud” is presumably Microsoft’s own servers, as much if not more for data-harvesting as a way for users to preserve their own files.
Our CAD models are unlikely to interest MS, nor are most of our documents, spreadsheets or other files, unless they reveal enough about us to help the advertising-agencies. The advertisers probably gain more from monitoring our on-line shopping (if we use it) in the very lucrative, general “life-style” areas: clothes, entertainments, home & garden, popular sports, etc. These agencies also rely heavily on eavesdroppers like Siri and Alexa.
So whilst I am not worried about puzzling MS with my model steam-engine parts, minimal Internet shopping and refusal to use “smart-speakers” and Facebook, consider this:
In the corner of the Windows-11 screen, a small image tells me the weather to save using the real window. This is now an invitation to install so-called “widgets” – I won’t. Previously, it opened Microsoft’s own Bing / MSN, which which copies from the BBC, newspapers and so on. (I wonder if it pays royalties?) Among these links was a photograph of a tree, unrequested, uncredited, untitled… my own, in my back garden. Why?
Further, it revealed a locked MS pick of my and others’ images; all mixed randomly, no filing-system. What for?
MS does not ask if you want to use its “cloud”, nor for which files. It assumes all files; working in a way that makes creating a local filing system difficult. Worse, MS’ enforced change from W10 to 11 wiped out my photographs’ filing structure, but not that for other files. It took a long time to repair this attack.
So why Microsoft’s evident interest in my photographs, without consulting me?
Why its interference in my computer?
I cannot see other than trying to find images worth its clients’ use without permission, credit and royalties. Most of our data files are commercially useless to MS, but some of our better photographs of scenery, trees, etc., might be. While the entire anthology can help build patterns useful for direct personal advertising.
The real window tells me the weather has stopped raining but is still winding.
Wonder if my workshop will be warm enough for swarf-making?
When still working I examined one CAD make that uses “the cloud” by default, and makes local storage difficult. Light-heartedly, I asked the IT manager if our company would ever use that. He laughed and replied, “Definitely not!”.
So while having a safe, remote archive for security, free to us, is fine in principle, we should ask Microsoft’s real purpose? How might it afford to install and operate?
Then ask why reluctance to use Microsoft’s “OneDrive” or “Cloud”.