Thank you David.
Constraints? I can’t even draw a single part without it going haywire.
This link (below) is copied from a published design, though I have thickened it slightly to give a little more bearing surface for the die-block that works in it.
A pair of small brackets is fitted centrally to that wide flat area on the right, on each side of the plate, with three small rivets in a triangular pattern. Their dimensions are on the separate drawing for the brackets, and not at all easy to determine.
The original drawing is inordinately hard to decipher thanks to a mixture of odd vulgar-fractions in chain dimensions, and several radii of which only one is annotated. A right so-and-so whether you use it directly in the workshop or try to translate it to CAD with decimals fractions. To place the two holes you even need know how the whole caboodle goes together, to be sure of the way they are dimensioned.
However, I managed to re-create the main plate, though the two back corners need fattening up a bit.
Then I tried to add the rivet holes, needing more calculations of the original print because its draughtsman had not dimensioned it fully. Two things happened:
1) Despite great care to start with making it all axial so the difficult geometry would work, it has tilted over slightly and moved vertically downwards, so now lies randomly – useless.
2) The original sketch is mentioned if I edit the extrusion; but has fallen off the Design Explorer so I cannot view it to edit it – useless.
Even if I could see it, the outline has moved randomly, so plotting the rivet-holes is now impossible. Those brackets hold pins about which the link as a whole oscillates, so if not located accurately the entire link is useless. From a CAD point of view, it’s now impossible to locate them because it has lost all its references and the original sketch.
So now what the heck have I done wrong? I can’t restore the link to its original orientation, so will have to delete the entire file and try again – another hour or two wasted.
In the image, the two outer corners of the slot might not lie on the axis but if they don’t, they should be the same distance from it.
The whole thing should lie equally about the axes, as I started it, on which I placed the centre for the 5 or 6 circles needed for the construction geometry and parts of the outlines.