In a previous unrelated post another member commented on the technical difficulty of achieving the adjustment mechanism. As I have been working on the same project and also had difficulty understanding the instructions, perhaps some more experienced members could explain the cuts necessary.
Perhaps where I am going wrong is I don't fully understand engineering drawings.. One of the many topics I need to get a hold on.
Anyway back to the topic from my understanding from the drawing on page 19 'Lathework a complete coarse' it seems that a vertical slot of 2mm is cut into the base. This doesn't make any sense to me as I cannot see why the base would need to flex in this area. Also he mentions the v grove around the circumference disguising a cut or cuts. I am left unclear as to where the cut or cuts should be placed. For instance should it be where the clamping screw goes or adding a 2nd parallel cut on the offside to create a hinge effect or could you use a parting off tool to remove a few mms all round?
Pics of project so far including failed attempt at milled 'nurling'. I tried to get a bit amitious instead of hand filing I set up a rotory table I had not used before on the milling machine. The work wasnt sufficiently clamped and the cutter wondered, oh well back to the mark 2 attempt.