Posted by Dave Halford on 31/03/2021 19:13:45:
Even the small Guyson gun is not very good.
The now not so cheapy chinese pressure pots will give you the most improvement, if you get a 2mm carbide nozzle and mount it direct in the hose you can ignore the CFM ratings . The on /off valve on the end of the hose only lasts minutes if you keep it.
All you need to do is rig up a spring to close the air inlet valve and some kind of foot switch/lever to over come the spring to open it.
I'm sure you can find a nearer supplier than Belgium.
Edited By Dave Halford on 31/03/2021 19:14:39
I have one just like that. The compressor just about copes for 10-20 seconds. What I need is a gun that will work in my cabinet.
The guyson 400 with trigger, hoses, pickup etc will cost somewhere around £200. Too much if it doesn't work.
The std valves will work fine with the cheap Chinese pots if you make sure you open and close it fully every time.
Edited By pgrbff on 31/03/2021 21:38:30
Edited By pgrbff on 31/03/2021 21:41:29