A diamond cup wheel costs around 20€. So the advantage with the diamond stone is only that you have more grits. Tomorrow I'll check the local flea market, I saw last Sunday a few wheels. If it is a good price I will not wait one month to get one from China.
Meanwhile I had a look with a microscope on what is going on in the cutting edge of tools. I have an unused old communist HSS 20x20mm tool that has some rust. It doesn't look too bad:

Until you put it under the microscope:

It reminds me of underwater stones. I tried first to polish it with a felt disc:

But the rust has made small holes and the surface is not even anymore. Then I used a slow turning wet stone, with maybe 120 or more grit, and it looks better:

And finally I polished it with the same felt disc + a blue paste:

Here I draw the first interesting conclusion. Polishing does nothing to improve the surface. It make it mirror like, but those vertical lines from the grinding wheel are too deep. You can see that the top side is polished better but the surface is still not smooth.
The second conclusion is that those cheap USB microscopes are toys. They are just 2Mpixel web cameras with a different lens. I think I can make better pictures with my phone.
Next is a P30 20x20mm brazed carbide parting toll. I used it to make a stainless steel handle for my tail stock locking bar. The first picture is with a new one. It cut a 20mm bar with it. The only thing that I discovered here is that re-sharpening was not necessary. And that I used a wrong angle anyway.