Hi Laurie, first question is how important is the exact form.
If its not too important you could clamp the tool blank to a small piece of square stock and use this as a ‘visual’ guide to get the back rake angle and keep the blank vertical as the rake is formed on the side of the grinding wheel across the whole form. I use this method to taper the ends of bandsaw material for soldering and it gives good results.
However it will in this case change the shape of your form very (very) slightly and that may not be acceptable.
You could also make a small piece of tapered packing that will give a degree (modicum) of top rake, slow the speed right down on the last couple of thou too – that’s a long cutting edge you have there – what’s the material you are cutting ?
Hope this helps some
Regards – Ramon
PS Setting it very slightly below centre height may also improve the tendency to chatter
Edited By Ramon Wilson on 27/06/2011 11:43:09