Hi all
thought I best pop up and say hello, I have been lurking for a bit, just reading bits and bobs, so thought I might as well join in the convocation.
So tool wise I am a bit of a collector (well others might say obsessed but I say collector 😀 ) I have a full joiners shop that most commercal joiners would be proud of, a full bike repair workshop with kit to do most things you can think of and tend to do a lot of engine rebuilds, and to add to that lot I am just about to add a Myford S7 to the workshop and possibly a little milling machine. But at work I have access to a number of larger laths mainly Colchesters, a couple of milling machines, surface grinders and numerous other bits and bobs, and hopefully in the next year access to a CNC miller and CNC lathe which should be fun to play with