Hello Everyone! just a quick post to say hi!
I am very new to model engineering and don't really know ANYTHING yet. My dad used to be a model engineering enthusiast and made many steam engine models, i loved playing with them as a kid. He died over 10 years ago before he could impart any of the skills required for this hobby, but i'm looking forward to following belatedly in his footsteps little by little with the help of communities like this.
Any advice when starting out greatly appreciated. My dad collected Model engineer magazine, he got them all bound and i still have them all, well over 100 years worth!
I still don't have any equipment yet, i still need to figure all that out with the space and money i have to spend but i'm already thinking about fun projects to make. It is only small but I plan to convert the garage into a workshop space. I have read that 'Elmers Engines' has some good beginner projects.
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and introduce myself