Hi all,
Having been both a Model and Full-size engineer since my early teens and 20's I have often read Model Engineer magazine and Engineering in Miniature.
A little on me as an Introduction.
My peers call me a Polymath as I have so many diverse interests, yet connected via both the physical and natural sciences plus maths/
I am Caterpillar trained Higher Diesel Technician plus 5 years night schooled to qualify as an Industrial Electronics Technician. I went on to Monash University (Melb Aust) and completed a Graduate Diploma in Robotics.
Have both a 9" lathe and a jewelers lathe, milling machine, Shaper and Metal planer, and the normal collection of Pedestal and hand drills, grinders, welders, and hand tools + measuring instruments. Inverted metallurgical Microscopes, early magic lanterns, and other scientific instruments.
Plus own a +1000 book library dating from 1700s to early 20th century covering Steam, Geology, Motor Cars, Astronomy electrical engineering, and medicine.
Pic, if it is permitted in this forum section, is the more vintage part of my electronic workshop.
so that a quick intro to me whom is turning 69 this June (2020)
regards to all and stay safe from Covid-19
David Broadbent