A rather lowly little display (downright laughable in some ways) if there ever was one.
My intention was to get the engine painted before I showed it, but that did not happen.
I was on the fence about displaying it, but two guy attending the show encouraged me to set it out, and so I did.
The bright side is that this little engine has put me in a position from a knowledge and casting standpoint of making some hopefully really nice engines.
And this was my first complete engine build, so I feel like I can only go upwards from here.
The jumbo Cretors flywheel casting drew as much or more attention as the green twin oscillator.
Most that looked at the green twin (without reading the text) said to me "Casting kit ?".
I said "No, home cast".
It was painfully obvious that many could not begin to comprehend what "home cast" meant.
Very few seem to cast their own engine parts, especially in iron.
Edited By PatJ on 29/04/2019 23:49:52
Edited By PatJ on 29/04/2019 23:53:26
Edited By PatJ on 29/04/2019 23:54:07