Just read the article you refer to. A lot of these sort of headlines come from the companies (and their trade bodies) hoping to make money out of their projects and not their concerns over energy bills for customers.
However, it will be true that some schemes will have to wait for the necessary reinforcement to be done.
As this article correctly says, Ofgem regulates how much the companies that own and operate the networks can spend to keep short term costs down. This has meant that for years, despite the politicians telling us that we should be moving away from fossil fuels, there has been insufficient investment.
Ofgem has however paid regional electricity companies large sums to investigate ways to get more out of the existing network. I have recently installed an electricity monitoring system at home that records the voltage and current every few seconds and I have noticed that the voltage will suddenly drop by about 15 volts and stay like that for between 20 and 40 minutes. This is because of a system to reduce load on the network when National grid need it.
Edited By Stuart Smith 5 on 02/01/2023 17:24:01
Edited By JasonB on 03/01/2023 06:57:24