Granite slabs that are cut for buildings and monuments, should be dead flat.
I used to work for the largest granite cutting and finishers in the Southern Hemisphere, as a welder and mantainence operater, They produced all the granite for the new parliment house, so when the 2×3 meter square panels were polished in 1 to 5 grades the tolerances were plus or minus 1mm over 1 m, for the front face only, the backs were left as cut.
But !!!! when the panels were laid flat and leveled with wooden wedges, because the way the saws could cut ofline, most of the panels varied in thickness from corner to corner, That was not a big problem as you could not see the backs and the fixers would pack them out to fit.
Anyway if you have a section cut from a large panel to be used as a surface plate etc etc, the top surface should be very accurate, Just make sure you are not trying to level it from the bottom surface ie, there could be a variation in the thickness of the corners.
Does all that make sense,??? cause trying to type and think at the same time leaves a lot to be desired. Women can knit, talk, watch TV and feed the kids all at the same time.