I have to say that I think it's not before time. Indeed, I haven't used fax on a personal basis for, I think, about 15 years, but then as a non-working person, I don't really have much need of it. I think the last time I used fax was to send some information to my GP – today they use email.
A few years ago I did have a spate of receiving faxes which were not for me and it took some tracking down to find out who they were intended for and then to get it stopped. The problem was that my Linux based computers did not do fax and I couldn't be bothered setting it up. Also, because of this, I was unable to read the faxes to determine their correct destination. Eventually, I found a telephone number of a firm that was sending them, telephoned them, and received a load of abuse on the lines of it's no-one here. I did then wish that I did indeed have a working fax as I would have sent copies back to them, probably multi-copies at that, the reason being that the originating telephone number was shown at the top of the fax so I had proof of where they were coming from.
Later, I found another telephone number for a different firm that was sending them, and this time I managed to get back to the person who was sending them only to find that they were being sent to a local performance car specialist firm. On contacting this firm, I discovered that they were indeed using my home 'phone number as their fax no. Needless to say, they changed tack pretty quickly once they knew. It transpired that it was all down to misreading the third digit of their fax telephone number.
As it was, we had a few weeks of receiving faxes with next to no come back. And I wasn't happy!
Having said all that, I do think that fax has been of use, but ii's time has now come to an end.
Peter G. Shaw