Welcome to the Forum!
LOTS of experience and advice on here, if you need it; just ask!
You mention "basic metal working skills"
If you are not conversant with using a lathe and a milling machine, I would advise against launching into something as complicated as a locomotive as your first project.
If you are already an experienced machined, you can ignore the following, which is intended for a newbie.
But we all learn as we go along!
Become familiar with your machines. If you are new to the game, your first projects could be making a few tools, that you will use as you progress to bigger and better things. Possibly, starting with a Centre Height Gauge.
Another couple of early projects could be one or more taps wrenches (of different sizes), then a Die Holder to fit into the Tailstock, followed by a Mandrel Handle.
These will be tools that you will use for years to come. Better to make mistakes on an inexpensive project rather that an expensive casting!
As you gain confidence, other accessories or modification to your machines can be made. Suppliers, such as Hemingway, and others can supply kits and drawings to make other items, even upto a Cutter Grinder, Rotary Table, or a Gear Hobbing machine.