Hi Nigel,
The country in question is Ireland and the clubs to which I refer are Model Making Clubs, of any kind. By and large, they just dont exist here.
I did not suggest that I found nothing of interest on this forum, far from it !, nor that I found most Members to be un-helpful, again, far from it.
I think Dave [Sod ] may have put his finger on a very important point, when he mentioned the lack of Old School Experts who know how to do things without the need for computers, Cad, Dro,s ect. This is the kind of stuff one needs to know before getting too big for one,s boots. These people are now in short supply and not likely to be replaced anytime soon.
These are just my observations, form day to day. The nearest thing I ever came across were Men,s Sheds, and not too many of those either and they were pretty sad outfits.
One problem seems to be that clubs are formed with good intentions by a group, but as time goes on and things change, the founders are not always willing or keen to change with them, prefering to stay in the past. This does not work and serves only to run the club into the ground, since no young blood is attracted. By the way, I am 86, so not exactly “Young Blood “, but you know what I mean. I do not like Computers, smart Phones, Tablets, Cad, Dro,s ect,ect mostly because I dont fully understand them, but I accept that they are here to stay, so I just make the best of the situation.
I wish the Forum well, and long may it continue, and if someone finds that it no longer suits their needs, well then, just fold your tent and ride away into the sunset, no sweat, no drama.. One can always return and be sure of a welcome.
Best regards to all, the Good, the Bad, and the Rest, like my self, for the New Year.