Thank you for all your responses and advice. It's really been helpful and I really appreciate you all taking the time to answer.
I would describe my brother's things as meticulously organised chaos.
Is not a huge workshop, just a spare room really. There's a small lathe and obvious tools, but it's things like boxes of ball bearings, lots of brass plate, little drawers full of goodness knows what.. Obviously little components, but to someone like me , they could be anything. I'm not looking to money grab and sell to the highest bidders, I just can't bring myself to chuck things that obviously had meaning to my brother and if they can go to someone who can make good use of them, then that is more comforting to me .
I've decided that 'm going to put things into storage so I think photographing everything beforehand is a good idea, then when I'm in a better place emotionally, I can tackle them head on.
As someone has mentioned, it's a good idea to have an easily readable inventory of your things.
My brother was 55 and not ill that we know of. He passed suddenly from a heart attack and on the table in front of him were files, bits of metal, magnets and a magnifying glass so he was clearly in the middle of a project.
Learn from our tragedy, keep a log of all your bits 🙂
Thank you once again everyone