Depending on the ingredients you use, they may not include any preservatives that you find in shop bread, so it will not last for ever, and you have to be mindful of that. But not filling the bread full of 'chemicals' is one of the advantages for me, and makes a much better tasting loaf.
I make a medium 400g loaf, and that lasts me a week. After it has fully cooled, I put it in a plastic bag and it lasts very well. You can put it in the fridge.
With apologies to pmm1;
One thing I found was that using butter, as the recipe specifies, gives the bread a poor texture, because the butter is solid at room temperature. So I changed to using olive oil, which gives the loaf a much better consistency and really nice texture. I also found that I could put more olive oil in which improved the loaf even more. So for a medium loaf, the recipe specifies 15g of butter, but I substitute that for 25g of olive oil. The bread has a marvellous texture and flavour and stays soft.
Anticipating, perhaps, your next question, my standard bread recipe, using the bread maker, is:
3/4 teaspoon of Allinson's Easy bake yeast (for bread makers and hand baking).
200g Allinson's Strong white bread flour
200g Allinson's Strong wholemeal bread flour
75g olives
25g olive oil
teaspoon of oregano
1/4 teaspoon of salt
290ml water.
That's it. The ingredients go into the mixing/cooking container in the order given, so the liquid is kept away from the yeast by the flour, until mixing starts. I put the container on electronic kitchen scales, and reset the scales to zero after every ingredient goes in. This loaf takes 5 hours for the machine to automatically make and cook, and you can set a timer up to 13 hours to have it cooked ready at a given time, e.g. the next morning, for breakfast.
The Panasonic recipe includes sugar and milk powder etc, but I leave all that stuff out, and the recipe above makes a really nice and healthy loaf. You can experiment and put all sorts into the bread. I sometimes put in a few raspberries, or cut-up dried fruit, instead of olives.
I don't think the SD – 253 is available any more, but chose a Panasonic model that has all the same automatic functions, and has a seed and nut dispenser.