For the glow plug engine to work nicely, a real compression ratio of about 9:1 to 10:1 works very well.
The glow plugs only need enough to glow about a bright red, Not orange. Most glowplugs only require about 0.8 to 1 volt dc with a current draw of 2.5 to 8 amps, depending on the wire thickness and type.
Nicad batteries work well, but so do NiMh. I would recommend if you are using the 2volt cyclon batteries, that you use 0.15 ohm resistor if it is a higher current draw glow plug or a 0.2 ohm resistor if you are using the lower current draw glow plugs. Generally the higher heat range glow plugs have a low current draw, and the colder heat range have a higher current draw.
Running the engine on glow fuel will generally result in a cooler running engine. There are glow plugs designed to make the engines run with petrol instead of the methanol based glow fuel. These engines make a little over 1/2 the power of a glow fuel engine, and generally run a little hotter as well, but do have a good range on the tank capacity.
There is no adverse effect of leaving power on the glowplugs while the engine is running. It just flattens a battery. An enelope AA rechargeable NiMh battery will keep an engine running and restarting for about 10 to 15 mins depending on the heat range of the plug.
Neil Lickfold