The GHT method that I described can be done without a milling machine and gives best results. Although if you are making a new gib from scratch creating the angled surfaces at top and bottom so the new gib suits snugly into the top of its recess whilst having clearance at the bottom so it doesn’t drag can be challenging.
An oft overlooked point about creating conventional parallel gibs with push screw adjustment is that there are three basic ways of doing the job. It’s important not to conflate them and the repair /production processes involved if the job is to be done properly.
Whether you choose to use a floated gib riding on the screw ends or a GHT style one snugged up into the recess its best to delay drilling and fitting the dowel(s) until after you have got the new or refurbished gib fitted and settled home nicely. The drilling is best done on the machine taking pains to go straight through in line with the adjuster screws. If you go a touch far and end up with a small, shallow hole in the dovetail this will be of no consequence. Annoyingly you will have to pull the gib to make the dowel hole a touch larger so the gib doesn’t bind and have to repeat the adjustment process. But properly doweled and fitted gibs seem to go along time between adjustment. 10 years to my certain knowledge on a SouthBend re-furb.
The GHT method follows the design used on my Smart & Brown 1024 and some other machines of the very highest class. The defining characteristic is that the gib is forced up into its recess and held there by the action of the ball ended, or floating intermediate balls, thereby coming close to the ideal of a complete solid metal unit but adjustable. I suspect the gibs on my 1024 were ground to fit the gap as there is no visible clearance between the gibs and the two parts of the dovetail slide units.
In principle this style of gib is the most rigid as it requires only one oil film thickness of clearance but its very expensive to make as each gib must be hand fitted to its machine. Smart & Brown used two dowels and a greater density of adjusting screws than common practice too. When new the ex-factory price of my 1024 was comparable to that of a modest but completely satisfactory house. Rather a lot for a machine of only 10″ swing so the buyer would, rightly, have expected great pains to be taken in both design and execution to deliver a performance commensurate with the expenditure.
Of necessity more affordable machines generally used a simpler principle with the gib basically floating on the ends of the adjusting screws. Various versions of the design exist. The most basic being the simple pointed screw in a dimple style used by SouthBend. Myfords version using a ball ended screw being a little more sophisticated. Generally inexpensive to make and, if done accurately, of entirely adequate performance over a decent service life.
The number of smaller machine tools made in this manner is probably beyond convenient, or even inconvenient, counting generally delivering performance entirely satisfactory to their users for many years until wear intervenes.
The obvious fundamental weakness is that the gib is unrestrained against longitudinal float so the ends of the adjusters and the locating dimples can wear under the action of direction changes. It is said that direction changes can also induce a wedging action causing the adjustment to self tighten. Theoretically more likely with the Myford arrangement but something whose practical consequences I’m inclined to doubt. The wear is usually recognised by the gibs becoming impossible to adjust accurately as the screws and dimples only mate at whole turn intervals where the wear aligns.
There are inherently contradictory issues with screw end loading and gib tilt. The SouthBend style pointed screw provides line contact with the gib when new so it can accurately take up an angle matching the slide but the loading is high. The Myford ball ended screw style spreads the load but creates an unbalanced lifting couple due to the upper end of the screw being deeper in the gib than the lower which tends to tilt things.
The third way of doing things is to use screws with cylindrical ends engaging with a flat bottomed hole in the gib. This obviously provides much larger contact area at the end of the screw, reducing loads, supports the gib against sideways float and gives a parallel thrust against the gib. Impractical on small machines tho’.