marcus – the security of the backplate depends on how thick the saw is. – most are 30-60 thou thick, and they are in one parish.
However I have one which is 1/8thick for doing rod ends, and at 3″ dia or so, there is a fair bit of torque on that on a medium sized mill geared down.
So you’ll have to make a judgement yourself. however, I think you would be unwise to expect these screws to take all the sidethrust – not without toughening and heat treating. I think you’d use them for adjustemnt, and then have clamping allen bolts to provide the locking power. Then you’d only need three adjusters (NOT 4 – 3 points of contact?) because they are never going to take a cutting load directly.
Peter – if you want to get really sexy about it use 2 “concentric” eccentrics -one slides inside the other. Then you can adjust any eccentricity out. Very elegant.
Edited By mgj on 22/03/2011 20:43:57