Having concerns about what I might be doing to the bearinmg on my RF25 Mill, I made up a simple extractor.
The left hand threaded nut retaining the pulley was removed and a register turned for half its depth.
A piece of 1/4" plate was bored to be snug fit on the register on the nut.
Two holes drilled and tapped, 1/4 BSF symmetrically about the centreline
The nut was replaced on the spindle, trapping the plate beneath it, and tightened..
A matching plate (But with the central hole tapped 1/4 BSF and the outer holes 1/4 clearance ) was made.
Two 1/4 BSF studs with knurled heads were fed through the upper plate, and a long 1/4 BSF setscrew screwed through the centre hole.
To remove a taper from the spindle, the drawbar is slackened by aboutb half turn, and the "lloose" plate secured to the capive one with bthe two knurled mhead studs. The central setscrew is then tightenen onto the drawbar.
Usually this breaks the taper when sufficiently tightened, If not, a light tap with a small mallet does the trick.