Presumably, there is no slot in the spindle through which a drift could be inserted.
A captive drawbar removes the need for hammering.
On my old RF25, my solution was to remove the nut retaining the pulley to the spindle, and to turn mack the under side of the nut for approx 3 mm. A piece of plate was then bored to be a good fit over the newly turned aprt of the nut. Two holes drilled and tapped, equidistant about the centre hole. the plate and nut were then refitted to the Mill/Drill . A second plate waqs drilled with two clearance holes, on centre distance to match the two tapped holes, with a central tapped hole.
When it is necessary to remove the tooling, the drawbar is slackened and the second plate clamped to the one under the nut, by two long bolts. A third bolt is screwed into the central tapped hole, and used as forcing screw.
If the taper does not break when the forcing screw is tightened, a very light tap on the forcing screw does the job.
My threads were 1/4 BSF, so a similar fine thread would be the modern equivalent.