One thing about generating your own Leccie is cost, Its about 4 times what the power company charge.
The other aspect is noise from the generator, under load it will really grumble!
Outside, if its cold its a pig to start, I have been down to -18F and could hardly turn the engine over.
Allow TWICE the rating that you calculate for the load. If you say, calculate the load at 1.5Kva then buy a 3.5Kva.
A 1.5Kva will barely run a Lawnmower without getting hot!
My 1.5Kva will just run a 900W strimmer without too much load.
Apart from that and with not too much long use of the machine then it might be the only way instead of a VFD.
You could run a ring main with one VFD and just plug in the one machine you are using at a time.