In my amateur radio days, our club used to run its National Field Day stations from a single cylinder diesel generator. Although our usual site was fairly rural, there were houses within earshot, especially at night when the ambient sound level was otherwise low. We attempted to confine the diesel noise by 'circling the wagons' around the generator with three or four cars. It owed more to wishful thinking than to acoustics!
The diesel noise is predominantly low frequency, difficult to silence, and I used to wonder whether the noise from a gas turbine, being higher in frequency, might be easier to suppress. It would have been interesting to lay hands on an ex-aircraft APU but I had no idea whether such an item would have been available, from where and at what cost!
Drag racers seem to get quite large gas turbines from somewhere so it must be possible.
Another big unknown was the maintenance burden for an APU. Do they run for the whole duration of a flight or just until the main engines are running?
Oh, well, interesting but not on my project list anymore!!!
Best regards,
Swarf, Mostly!
Edited By Swarf, Mostly! on 17/06/2015 13:20:18