General Aeromodelling Discussion


General Aeromodelling Discussion

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    Mike Blankley

      a5c39345-08ef-45fb-8991-666dfa54bacf.jpegThe Puck is a four stroke, called a side valve in UK and flathead in USA. I’ve attached a photo of it between a Saito 45 and a 1.25cc four stroke i made. ( an Eric Whittle design).

      Ramon Wilson

        Thanks Mike – that's certainly a compact looking engine completely new to me – is 'Puck' the manufacturer?

        How well does it run compared to other four strokes you may have?

        Only one I owned was the early OS 60(?) with the exposed valve rockers. Had it a long time but like quite a few engines I have had over the years it never made it to flying stage. I was building a Jasco Flamingo for it – made the fuselage and tail plane but never got round to the wings – huge ribs on that design, near a sheet of balsa in each.

        Lovely result on the Whittle BTW yes – did you have any problems on initial running?

        Regards – Tug

        Ian Skeldon 2

          super sixty.jpgBelow is my son holding my modified Senior Telemaster with a laser 100 up front. Above  is a super sixty with a 30 four stroke up front, possibly an ASP.

          telemaster and son.jpg

          Edited By Ian Skeldon 2 on 03/02/2021 20:14:08


            For some reason, I have very few pictures from my aero modelling days. This is not me, or anybody that I know. However, I was impressed that anybody would dare to fly a free flight model that size!

            This was at a Shuttleworth Aeromodelling day some years ago.

            shuttleworth free flight.jpeg


              This post took me back. Back in 1980, Aeromodeller magazine ran a series that followed a few lads building their first control line planes and learning to fly. I was one of the lads. I think the article was called Flying Start.

              I quick search of the internet yesterday came up with this:


              I am the one on the right.

              I have hardly changed a bit wink.

              We used to visit Old Warden twice a year for the all scale-day and the Vintage day.

              A great day out, but you needed to keep your wits about you in the free-flight area.

              I remember seeing a chap poleaxed be a plane when he wasn't looking in the right direction.

              Are the Old Warden shows still going? How has the free-flight continued in this no win, no fee age of blame and litigation?


              Edited By IRT on 06/02/2021 23:59:22

              Bill Pudney

                Aeromodelling, probably my main lifetime obsession, in front (even) of motor cycles and model engineering in terms of duration if nothing else. It was control line first from the mid 50s to the mid 60s. Then a break when motorcycles, wives (yep 2 ) took over. Then in the late 70s my brother introduced me to the delights of free flight. That was it for the next 35 or so years. First off was F1a, towline glider duration for a few years, then F1b rubber powered duration took over. I got fairly good at F1b winning a few national level comps along the way. About 2008 ish the local club collapsed, and with it went the flying field. As with any pursuit, Free flight needs practice, without a decent sized flying field the opportunity for practice was zero. So sadly I stopped free flight and took up control line again. At first I thought I would take up combat, of the "Vintage" variety, sadly I fairly quickly realised that I was too old and too slow. So that's about where I am now, generally flying fast sports aerobatic models. Its still good fun but a bit superficial compared to free flight



                Danny M2Z

                  G'day Bill.

                  When all the Covid restrictions are over, come and fly at the West Wyalong comps.

                  Plenty of Free Flight activity, I had a ball at the 2018 and 2019 Nats and lots of like minded aeromodellers there.

                  They have even installed a grass circle for suitable Control Line events.

                  * Danny M *

                  Korda first flight 2 cs.jpg

                  Speedy Builder5

                    The kindness of others.

                    Today the postman delivered a package of leaf valves for my Brauner pulse jet – Many thanks go to Tug and his friend. I just need a bit of good weather now to set up a test bed and annoy the neighbours.

                    Way back in the '60s, I used straight petrol for the fuel – is this still a good fuel to use?


                    Ramon Wilson

                      According to my friend who supplied the petals petrol is rarely used these days by those who fly jets regularly. He says it's a mixture of Methanol and Propylene Oxide though I have just had a look and found that the world record set here in the UK used 60% Nitromethane and 40% Propylene Oxide!!!!!!!!!

                      Apparently Bob it's mainly down to the evaporation rate – petrol hanging around a bit if spilt but I guess with care it will still be okay – but – it's definitely your decision and not my suggestion. Pleased to have been able to help so do let us know how you get on won't yousmiley


                      IRT – My wife and I attended many OW scale and vintage week ends over many years and had some very memorable times. Mainly free flight while there but some control line on occasion. It still goes on but is a shadow of it's former self I believe – the last I attended was 2014 I think and went just to run some engines with other home builders.

                      I do have one or two pics from that time but need to get up the loft – that'll have to wait a day or two.

                      Bill P – good to see you here. I knew you were a F1b flier but hadn't realised you'd picked that handle up again thumbs up

                      Did you get your Nalon Viper finished (and flying?)



                      Edited By Ramon Wilson on 10/02/2021 17:36:41

                      Bill Pudney

                        Hi Tug, Thanks for the welcome!! Yes the Nalon Viper is running, and running very well!! So far I haven't flown it although that is the obvious thing to do. So far my thoughts have been to build a Mercury "New Junior Monitor" for the Sugden and I'm not sure what for the Viper!!

                        We shall see



                        Ramon Wilson

                          Hi Bill that's good to hear thumbs up. I still have a couple of cases for a 5cc version waiting for some action but that seems to be unlikley for a while as yet. The Junior Monitor would be an ideal subject for the Sugden I would have thought but surely it's got to be an Aussie design team racer for the Viper wink

                          Bob – further to my last post my friend has emailed some info from the current Aeromodeller (Feb Issue). Theres apparently a four page article on speed and some info on jet speed. The basic fuel is listed as 80% methanol and 20% propylene oxide. The 60% Nitro and PO was for the record attempt.

                          Regards – Tug

                          Speedy Builder5

                            Those sound like exotic fuels for a bit 'Back yard fun" Its bad enough to get hold of "ether " to make some diesel fuel!


                            Ramon Wilson

                              Hi again, that six months soon passed

                              Did you get that jet running at all Bob?

                              My 'achilles heel' has well and truly struck again – control line flying that is so I've been well sidetracked on these two control line aerobatic models.

                              'Coy Lady' by Ray Brown. Featured in a 60's Aeromodeller and always a favourite 'Classic Period' British design it's only taken me near sixty years to get round to making one!

                              coy lady (22).jpg

                              Still as yet to be covered and painted it's powered by a Stalker 40 glow motor

                              coy lady (23).jpg


                              The last few weeks has been busy putting this together – a 'modern' design this 'Intrepid XL' is a much larger American design of 60 inch wingspan



                              Powered by a recently rebuilt Merco 60 10cc motor this is the largest control line aerobatic model I've built over the years. Really noticeable in the workshop as it finds all the high spots as it get moved about.

                              The Merco was a well used R/C version completely gummed up with old castor oil

                              merco (1).jpg


                              But after a total strip down I machined the case to decrease the weight and fitted new bearings. The silencer is also home made in order to save weight

                              merco (10).jpg

                              The piston has a single ring but no work was done on piston and liner at this stage save to thoroughly clean them.

                              Piston seal could be better but it didn't take long for it to bring a big grin on

                              merco (19).jpg

                              Hope that's of interest to someone – certainly kept me busy this last few months. Hope to have the Coy Lady finished and flying in the next few weeks but the other one is going to have to wait a bit before I get to that stage


                              Regards – Tug

                              Edited By Ramon Wilson on 11/08/2021 23:22:31

                              Speedy Builder5

                                Tug – Embarrassed ! Where does all the time go?? Steam loco build, garden track making, Austin 7 maintenance and rallies, House painting, bit of Arduino stuff, general fixit bloke for the village, forgot to say gardening and looking after 7 bee hives.

                                Its a get around to it kind of thing – but once all the holiday makers go back home, and it too cold for painting, I will shove it up the list.

                                Cheers – Bob   Ps

                                love that model – takes me back to when I used to make them, loved the smell of 'Dope" and ether etc


                                Edited By Speedy Builder5 on 12/08/2021 06:53:55

                                KEITH BEAUMONT

                                  Tug, That is a fine looking model and should have an interesting future with the Merco 61 fitted.! Keep the information coming. In the 60s that was the engine to have for stunt flying. About 3 years ago, I was given an open cardboard box, by a friend of a friend, that contained several very dirty engines,that had belonged to his late father-in -law, a keen stunt flyer. One of these was a Merco 61 and like yours was totally gummed up. It cleaned up quite well, but I only removed the head and the backplate. It had a lot of carbon on the top of the piston, so had been well used,but still had super compression and had clearly been looked after. On test, my notes show it was running at just over 12000 RPM with an 11 x 6" Master prop. Also in the box were 7 Cox.049, all different, plus another glow engine of about 8cc that I have been unable to identify. General opinion is that it was a hand made prototype.

                                  KEITH BEAUMONT

                                    Tug, The unidentified engine is in my photos, in the Chennery Vee Twin album ,3rd row down.. Just in case you can recognise it.


                                    Ramon Wilson

                                      Hah! Tell me about it Bob but I'm definitely slowing down now, age really is beginning to tell frown

                                      Keith – that's more or less how I acquired this one but stripping it down completely proved to be rather beneficial !!…..

                                      merco (2).jpg

                                      merco (3).jpg

                                      Looking at your unidentified engine I would say that that is almost certainly a home build. The prop driver is a give away I feel.

                                      What are you up to at the mo?


                                      PS anyone else had any of this aeromodelling deviation – Hmmm. Thinks! does that make me a deviantsurprise

                                      KEITH BEAUMONT

                                        Tug, I agree about the odd prop driver. I does not relate to the rest of the engine ,which has been made by someone witth similar milling skills to yourself. Recently I have been re-testing some of my engines on a new rig that measures static thrust. Also sorting bits out to make another of Chris Bolls designs. This time an 8cc glow.




                                          Whoever made the engine didn't go the whole hog, they bought a Perry carb, or robbed it from another engine they had, very strong engine around the front end.


                                          Ramon Wilson

                                            That's another area that points to a home build Emgee – the way the carb is attached to the engine.

                                            Have you run it Keith ? It looks like the fins and liner are possibly integral. Another Merco 60 I have is similar. Haven't run it but would think that heat build up could be an issue compared to the liner and ali fins version ??

                                            Has Chris Boll published that design as not familiar with it?



                                            Edited By Ramon Wilson on 13/08/2021 09:32:21

                                            KEITH BEAUMONT

                                              Emgee, Tug, I wondered about the Perry carb at the time. In fact ,it was the first time I hade seen one. To mount it with its side screw fixing,a very neat,shaped flanged stub tube with two mounting screws to hold it all down on the front bearing housing is fitted. The front bearing is another type of Ali bushed in the housing. I have a suspicion that a ball bearing is fitted to the crankshaft, but I have not removed the front to see. The fins are integral with the steel cylinder. The plain piston has a deflector on the top, with matching space in the head. I have run it two or three times,with 5% fuel, getting 11600RPM. For some unknown reason ,I have not noted the prop size, probably a 10 x8". I did not notice any overheating problems..

                                              Chis Boll did publish in ME in 2016,I believe as a .49cu/in Glow. He says ME made a mess of it ! I got hard copies of the drawings direct from Chris.


                                              Ramon Wilson

                                                11600 RPM is pretty good on a bench run with an 8" pitch prop Keith (if it was 8&quot – is it a plain or ringed piston? Sounds a powerful beast.

                                                I think somewhere I have a Perry carb – you are welcome to it if you would like it – and I can find it of coursewink

                                                I've heard several bad tales of magazines, not just ME though, getting things wrong, even changing the contributers ideas but have to say as far as the articles they have done for me I thought they did fine job. I was certainly pleased with the results for sure.

                                                I'll keep you posted on the airframes – just been glass clothing the nose of the larger one, just a single layer of .6oz and applied with a two pack floor finish similar to the old 'Tufcote'


                                                Ramon Wilson

                                                  Morning guys,

                                                  I finally finished one of those airframes – thought you might like to see it.


                                                  It's covered in jap tissue and clear doped with a tint of red in the dope. The fuse is painted with aerosol – 'CanBrush' a very hard wearing and easy to spay paint. The colour looks white in the image but is actually a nice cream.

                                                  Weight (always important) is slightly heavier than I would like but is 44.3 ozs all up. Power is a Stalker 40 glow motor and if the weather's is okay first flights will be on Sunday.


                                                  PS There's a couple more pics in my albums if you are interested

                                                  KEITH BEAUMONT

                                                    That looks absolutely superb Tug. It seems a shame to make it dirty. Good luck for Sunday.


                                                    Ron Laden

                                                      I agree, that really does look very nice indeed. I have always thought when building up wings/frames etc it seems a pity to the skin the structure in balsa/solar film etc hiding all the detail. Much nicer to see the build as you have with the see through tissue.

                                                      At 44 ozs I would think it should fly well with a 40 size engine.

                                                      Good luck with it.


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