Hi Martin,
You’re using the exhaust steam to create a draft in a chimney – much like the nozzle in a steam locomotive – but without a nozzle, the velocity of the exhaust will not snuff out the gas flame. You’d have to decrease the chimney ID to nearly twice the exhaust ID to make an impact. However there will be a quality to the exhaust steam, so consider having a condensate weep hole in any firebox pan.
A ring of flame under a round boiler, with the exhaust line running about 1/3 the way up the central flue (to a chimney) creates good draft during operation of my launch engine.
Keep the exhaust line short and running above the valve(s). I did so, to rule out the need for a trap, as the condensate could cause back pressure during tiny engine operation, and then work back into the valve after operation, when the hot air contracted.
Nice effect, though.