Posted by Frances IoM on 19/07/2021 16:16:56:
modern car sat-nav and engine diagnostics are often linked to a mobile phone sim – that could easily provide data back to Garmin
Frances is correct. The phenomenon is called convergence, where computing, communications and real-world devices integrate in new ways, usually with plummeting costs. It's not like the good old days when a typewriter, telephone, radio and TV set were all separate devices built from incompatible technologies. Now, because they are pretty all much made the same way, it's feasible to merge almost anything even slightly electronic.
As old technology was single function it was necessary to buy several different boxes whenever several functions were needed. People rightly expected complex systems to cost much more than basic ones but this is no longer true: it's not expensive to make a smart phone that communicates world-wide, knows where it is with 2 metres,can be a spirit level, compass, and altimeter, navigate a car, stream Radio and TV, browse the internet, print, take photographs and HD videos, link to anything Bluetooth, and connect to a multitude of services the owner knows nowt about.
The advantage of putting a mobile phone chip in a Satnav is it keeps itself up-to-date without bothering the owner with complicated USB cables and horrid software! The disadvantage is loss of privacy. There's no particular reason why a car Satnav shouldn't communicate with the engine management unit, or the dealer, or the Disney Channel, or be hacked by organised crime.
Whether or not a Satnav phones home or not depends on the model. Many do. Older models probably don't because mobile phone calls used to be expensive; not now! As far as I can see there is no end to convergence.