Posted by jason udall on 26/02/2016 16:24:31:
Not downing your work. 21 C…telescope.
Vs 17C two lens telescope and eye ball..
Suppose the differences are air clarity and "patience"..keep observing until clear
The thrill of resolving a point of light to a disc of light is indescribable.
The good bit is I get to do both 
> amazing!
Thanks Michael, you should see what other people can get!
The secrets are stacking lots of pictures (that's the best 12% of about 3,000 frames over 3 minutes) and advances in image processing – I invested in a really powerful program called Astra that does deconvolution – the technique developed to correct the badly focused images from Hubble before it was fixed. You fiddle with sliders and things like the faint white storms start appearing on t belts. They aren't artefacts either because I compared this image with a much clearer one taken with a 14" scope at the same time, and it has all the features on my image – plus more!