Posted by Muzzer on 24/10/2016 13:10:12:
. I think the usual advice applies – leave it to the armchair experts and get on with it before life passes you by.
Thanks Muzzer, good advice. I've been wading through the legalise and some of it is double-edged, especially if you are a little paranoid. However, I'm giving Autodesk the benefit of the doubt – It's probably there to protect Autodesk rather than to enable them to screw with potential customers. So I've decided to go with it.
The reason I've had more time to read the policy is itself irritating. My Windows 10 machine is downloading 3 large updates, the last being the unwanted privacy intrusive upgrade to v1607. Apart from slowing my internet to a crawl, the upgrades mean I'm in for a few hours of reboots and cleaning up. As the only reason I came on-line was to pay a few Bills and have a go with Fusion, I'm getting grumpy!