Fusion 360 CAM cost?


Fusion 360 CAM cost?

Home Forums CAD – Technical drawing & design Fusion 360 CAM cost?

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    Peter Bell

      My son has been some of his recent enforced spare time to continue the refurbishment of his Bridgeport mill. This has gone well and he has moved onto cad using Fusion 360 as a hobby user and made good progress after watching some of the excellent tutorials.

      When he was attempting CAM to generate G code he got a message saying he would be charged for this service starting May.

      Is this normal?

      As a lot of others on the forum use 360 I wondered what else they use to generate G code? He has a licecensed copy Mach 3 he intends using.


      Peter Bell

          Hi Peter

          Having seen your post I logged into my Fusion to find it had expired.

          I followed the buy now (in red, top right) option and you can renew the free license from there after ticking a few boxes.

          Cheers – Will


            I use free F360 for CAM and have not had any messages.


              I don't use the G-code option myself, but wonder if this is a confusion due to Autodesk's latest offer. The upgrade I did earlier this week made a number of the normally paid for only modules free for a trial period, end of May from memory. I didn't notice any free facilities being withdrawn.

              In case anyone's not familiar with Fusion's licence, the full core is available free to personal users, but there are a number of advanced modules only available to professional licensees. There are also a number of paid for online services. For example, a model can be rendered extra beautifully in the cloud, worth it for high-resolution marketing purposes etc, but I've never used it.

              I find the sales and download part of Autodesk's website quite confusing, but it's good once the right buttons have been clicked and the software installed.

              I'll fire up Fusion later and confirm G-code still works.


              Gary Wooding

                I use the hobbyist version of F360 for CAM and I don't have to pay.


                  Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 24/04/2020 11:59:11:

                  I'll fire up Fusion later and confirm G-code still works.


                  Didn't get as far as actually generating G-code but confirm the necessary tools are present and correct with no alarming messages.

                  Read about offers and what's different about the latest version in 'Fusion 360 What's New' – the only removal I can see is support for macOS 10.12 has been dropped.



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