Hi Nigel thank you for replying, My Britannia (pictured) has a Swindon Copper Boiler made by Trevor Tremlen which I bought 9 years ago and the documentation that he gave me for it recommended that a fusible plug be fitted in the firebox crown bush, however I fitted a phosphor bronze plug and have never had a problem keeping the water level up the top of the gauge glass. Unfortunately this summer whilst a frien was driving it he lost sight of the water level and thought it was above the top gauge glass nut but in fact the water level was below the bottom gauge glass nut which resulted in a leak in the front boiler tube plate around one of the super heater tubes. This has now been repaired and the boiler tested by the club boiler testers and now we have no leaks but it was noticed the recommendation of the fusible plug, however I do not want to fit a fusible plug of my manufacture and I would rather fit a commercial plug if available off the shelf but this so far does not appear to be so. The other issue is exactly as you say to replace the plug if it went whilst running the loco would be a major issue to replace so I am tending to think I will replace the solid plug that I have been using and ensure anyone who does drive it can keep the water level up the top of the boiler. Sometimes I think that these statements in documentation are there just to cover thmselve, the boiler makers I mean. Anyway I will let you know how I get on and my final decision.