Well this will be the last adventure on this version of the forum.
A name plate that will be bent and then let into a recess on a cylindrical part to represent cast letters. They are raised and tapered though hard to tell if they are raise dor cut into the metal from the photo
Plate is 50mm x 32mm letters 3.5mm tall and stand 0.4mm out of the background. Apart from the contour cut around the edge all was done with a 60deg engraving cutter with 0.3mm end width, 0.15mm stepover running at 5000rpm and a feed of 200mm/min. I left it running while I went out to do other things as the run time was just short of 4 hours to get through the 83,000 lines of code.
The machining marks that are just visible on the background cannot be felt and will have disappeared by the time I have silver soldere dit into place, cleaned things up and probably bead blastsed for good measuer.