Hi Zan, The correct waty to do it would be to draw as separate part that is the shape of what comes off the lathe and mill/drill and use that when you are doing the setup by selecting "from solid" rather than box or cylinder but as I do it a bit differently.
This is the part as it was ready to put on the CNC, the OD and sides have been machines, the width of the hub has been machined and the 6 holes drilled

Part as imported into F360

So the setup I used was a fixed size cylinder dimensioned as the actual finished turned size. I then did an adaptive cut to emulate the turning of the raised hub with 0.5mm radial stock left but zero axial stock left as I had machined the side of the rim to finished size.

I then did another adaptive cut selecting a large diameter cutter and left some radial and axial stock, by playing about with cutter/stock you can get a hole about the size you have actually drilled.

From there I did the actual adaptive cut I intended to use making sure to select "from Previous" in the ticked "rest machining" section of the geometry. I used a 6mm cutter for this 1mm max load, 4mm max stepdown 0.8mm fine stepdown.
Then the finishing cut was all done using scallop marking the turned surfaces as ones to be avoided.
When you come to do the post process you don't do it for the first two but just start with the 6mm adaptive and it thinks the earlier two have been done on the CNC not separately.
It takes longer to explain than actually do. Hopefully if you click here it will open up my CAM file in F360 so you can run the simulation and look at the various paths. There are two setups as the other side of the flywheel is slightly different so one setup for each side.