Hows this for frustration. Just bought a WM18B Milling machine from warco, their black friday deal was to good to resist saved £688.50. I Collected it (long story) on Wednesday, dragged it into the workshop that night with every intention of getting home Thursday and cracking it open. Christmas joys of anticipation all day Thursday.
The evening was planned, open crate, stand back and admire, find instructions, throw them away, just kidding, I do actually read instructions despite what the wife says, find a suitable location and start set up, a blissful evening well spent.
The reality was, get home, bend down to rummage in the car boot, put my back out, crawl into the house, on to the sofa and wait. Doc says trapped nerve or slipped disc, now waiting for scan.
So here I lay, milling machine still unopened. The good news is though for the first time since the big changes to the forum I’ve actually managed to get back on it, though my security keeps warning the site is unsafe.