French door locks


French door locks

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  • #637643
    nicola lewis

      Im looking to use an old French Espagnolette for some french doors but need to find a way to use a latch with it. Because the espagnolette sits on the surface of the door i have found a way to attach a shaft but my problem is finding a lock that makes a half turn. all the locks i have taken apart and tried to modify will only make a quarter turn which is not enough to trow the bolts enough to secure the inside.

      i am using flush bolts for the inside of the closed door and will fit star locks to the top and bottom of the opening.

      Does anybody know of a half turn lock or a way of making a latch work with half a turn

      nicola lewis
        Clive Foster

          Ask a good lock and security specialist shop about long throw key operated bolts and auxiliary garage door locks.

          I have a garage door one that goes through up to one and a half turns to throw the bolt. Key is cross shaped and, on mine, can be pulled out at half turn intervals so the bolt doesn't have to make its full throw. As I recall it there were others with both more turns and less turns available. That one had the throw I needed.

          Doesn't seem to be available now but it looked rather like the Asec AS1997 that can be found on Amazon or as the ASEC Garage Door Locking kit from Lock Shop Direct.

          I imagine the gubbins can be pulled out and modified.

          Big key so handbag rather than pocket!


          jimmy b

            I searched high and low for one of this type of lock for my shed. I ended up buying an "ATRA" lock from ebay, the complete lock with top, bottom surface mounted shoot bolts and 5 bar side lock only cost around £20.

            Wish I'd bought a spare at that price…..


            Martin Connelly

              Try these people, they may know someone else if they can't help Lowe & Fletcher

              Martin C

              Edited By Martin Connelly on 14/03/2023 18:42:56

              Clive Foster


                Google turned up a French mortice lock that might be what you desire.

                Called the Metalux 33 it's a narrow fitting mortice lock whose data sheet implies that works off a half turn of the handle.

                See :-

                Google also came up with an outrageously expensive supplier :-


                If it is the right sort of thing maybe it can be found at a more realistic price.


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