Last night was damn cold, about -5 C around here. I woke up suddenly when I remembered that I had left the engine (2 inch scale) without draining the boiler, back in mid October, after the last steaming session – in case I had another go. It is in a rented garage , separate from the apartment. Until we moved here this summer, the engine had been kept indoors so I didn't have to worry about freezing.
This morning I went to check. There was a little ice on the footplate under the level gauge, but the water in the glass was liquid and the glass was unbroken. I drained the boiler and the full quantity of water came out, so the boiler was OK. No sign of any ruptures in any pipes. The pump would not make a complete stroke, so there is ice in the pump, but no visible breaks, the plunger would have risen to take up the pressure. I tried to drain the tank but only drips came out, I suspect some ice in the outlet. I left the drain open.
I think I was both stupid and lucky. When things are warmer I will check the water piping carefully to look for any leaks, cracks etc on the suction and discharge of the pump.Those of you with larger engines are accustomed to having them in the garage so you know what has to be done in winter.
Take heed!