After about twenty years of development the long awaited version 1.0 of FreeCAD was released two days ago.
There have been many improvements such as the addition of a built in Assembly workbench, the lack of which has been a sticking point for some. Dimensioning has been made much more intuitive and there are numerous improvements to Part Design. For more advanced users The path workbench has become the CAM workbench with lots of improvements.
It is installed on your computer whether Windows, MAC, or Linux and all your work is kept on your computer so no problems with not having control of your work and it is really fast, no worries of slow internet. Once I had installed it on my computer It is up and ready to go 4 seconds after clicking on the icon on the screen.
If you want to have a play with it the download page is
MangJelly Solutions already have a number of Youtube tutorials available for it.