Well, here we are again boys and girls, more plastic (my missus is starting to get suspicious).
After my last foray I thought – "oh this will be more than enough" – little did I know how much interest this had garnered. Anyway, Friday last I collared the ever enthusiastic Reece and off we went for another bootfull!
We had to empty the skip out again because, naturally, the booty was all at the bottom – but we came away with a good haul:
I made up another nine packages and they are on their way to the lucky recipients
So, the deal is guys I am just plodding on and I will make my way through the list. This is ongoing and it looks like I will be having permanent access to this supply so there is no panic – a sort of endless supply.
I will be having a bit of a reconciliation as to what has been sent out and what needs sending out tomorrow and get back to you all with a realistic idea as to the length of the ongoing shipping as I really did not expect the level of interest. It takes me a good half day to cut up, bundle, weigh and make secure about ten packages and then I need to sort the shipping. I am not moaning about this, I think it is great, but I need to fit it in my week. I wish I could just take time out and concentrate on all the orders but this is just not possible so I do as much as I can then get on with work until the next opportunity.
Finally, on the subject of overseas posting. I have had a number of enquiries from people who want to know if I will post overseas. The answer is yes of course. If you pay the postage I will ship it. I can get extremely good rates if I send via sea as opposed to airmail which is prohibitively expensive. The only downside is it takes a little longer, typically 14 to 21 days to the US for instance.