Free IS10 oil


Free IS10 oil

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  • #721312
    Mike Crossfield

      During a tidy-up I came across a gallon can of ISO 10 hydraulic oil. I bought this in error some years ago from Hallet Oils, intending to buy ISO 32 hydraulic oil for my Myford. It is top quality oil suitable for spindle lubrication on some lathes (but not mine). If anyone has a use it they are welcome to it. It will need to be collected from my home near Romsey in Hampshire. First come first served.




      noel shelley

        My that is thin ! Clocks, sewing machines Etc bit thin for most things. It is a pity that people seem to mix up the 2 oil spec systems, ISO and SAE ! 10 can be 32 and 30 is 68 Ah well that’s life. Noel.

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