Free gauge 1 plans in December Issue


Free gauge 1 plans in December Issue

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    vernon levy
      Was there meant to be a complete set of plans or just four sheets i.e. a partial set of plans given away free in the centrefold?
      Will the G1 Green Arrow plans be complete?
      vernon levy
        Jeff Dayman
          Careful if using the Southern Belle ones in ME4392- there are some pretty hard to make details (see superheater – endblock in firebox would be very difficult to make in the scale shown, esp the plug) and boiler plan has at least one incorrectly shown part (see firebox tubeplate at top where it feathers out to zero in 2 places – side view is wrong to front view/ real part).
          One of Roger Thornber’s G1 locos or LBSC’s G1 locos would be a far better bet than one from M.Evans. Mr Thornber has designed and built MANY G1 locos and it shows in his plans.

          Edited By Jeff Dayman on 27/12/2010 22:32:05

          Edited By Jeff Dayman on 27/12/2010 22:33:21

          Jeff Dayman
            sorry, post above should read throat plate not firebox tubeplate.
            vernon levy
              Thanks for the response Jeff but it doesn’t answer my question.  The plans included in the magazine seem to have lots of sheets missing was this deliberate or was the cover slogan free locomotive plans misleading?
              At the moment I’m not contemplating building Southern Belle but it would have been nice to have a complete set of plans to facilitate the action should I ever make the decision to build one.
              As for Richard Thornber, where can I get his drawings and casting from?  I am a relative newcomer to live steam especially gauge one.
              Jeff Dayman
                Hi Vernon,
                Sorry I wasn’t able to answer directly. I haven’t seen other sheets for Southern Belle, but for other locos, eventually ME has published the whole set.
                Roger Thornber’s email is grandsft   {at} chiltern8. freeserve.   co.   uk  (take out spaces and replace {at} with ‘@” ) according to the website, site of the G1MRA who you should get to know if you want to get into gauge 1.

                MrThornber is currently doing a build series on a Stanier 2-8-0 in Engineering in Miniature magazine (hope I don’t get kicked off for mentioning this competitor mag to ME yet again). He has serialized several locos in that mag.
                vernon levy
                  Hi Jeff,
                  It looks like I’ve stumbled upon the tail end of the series of plans for the Southern Belle then because the next issue of Model Engineer has plans for Martin Evans’ Green Arrow in gauge 1.
                  I have received the manuals for the Gauge 1 Project and DEE as Christmas presents and my first locomotive is likely to be one of the two.
                  I’m familiar with the G1MRA and its web site – I might even join up in the new year.
                  I’ve spent too long at the fringes of model engineering and railway modelling and 2011 might just be the year when things come together.
                  Thanks for taking the time to put me on the right track
                  David Clark 13
                    Hi There
                    Roger has serialised several locos in Model Engineer.
                    You might find them if you subscribe to the ME archive.
                    Possibly only the one in EIM.
                    regards david
                    David Clark 13
                      Hi There
                      We do the complete series but only two sheets at a time.
                      regards david
                      vernon levy
                        Posted by David Clark 1 on 28/12/2010 09:12:20:

                        Hi There
                        We do the complete series but only two sheets at a time.
                        regards david

                         Thanks.  That’s helpful.  I’m used to getting complete sets of plans with one issue in the aeromodelling world.  Looks like I need to adjust my expectations.

                        Nicholas Farr
                          Hi Jeff, I can’t understand what you feel is wrong with the side to front veiw of the throatplate, in your post of the 27/12/2010 22:31:29. Unless you are refering to the cut out in the side flange, if this is so, then you would have to form this before it is cut to size and before cutting the half circle for the barrel, otherwise it will be difficult to get a good edge at that point.

                          Regards Nick.
                          Jeff Dayman
                            Please see jpeg of correct drawing projection for throatplate in my photos. It’s called ‘throatplate”
                            Nicholas Farr
                              Hi Jeff, forgive me, but I still don’t quite see your point. The full drawing does not give any preference to first or thrid projection, the hieght of the feathered edge above the centre line is shown as approximate, the fact that the dotted line showing hidden detal, not being exactly lined up with the cut out, IMO is of no consequence. If you think the projection is wrong handed to be professonally correct, I still think it is plain to see how the two relate to each other.

                              Regards Nick.
                              Jeff Dayman
                                My point was NOT about the projection. In my sketch I drew third angle but first angle would show the M Evans drawing defect just as well.
                                My point was that the sharp trimmed edge should be as close as possible to end of the front flange where it runs to zero. It should not be shown notched in the side view as on the M Evans drawing. If it is notched, the copper of the front face will run out to a small point which will likely disappear during silver soldering, leaving a hard to fill, weak hole on each side of the boiler in its weakest area. If flanged all the way to the top, it will transfer the soldering heat better, reduce chances of a meltaway and be far stronger due to greater soldered area. This is my LAST comment on this.
                                Another point I just noticed re the regulator. I belive it is intended to be slipped into the boiler from backhead end and screwed into the 5/16-40 threaded bush on the front tubeplate. My questions on this and other regulator questions below.
                                1. No thread is called out on the small end of the regulator. Regulator  body is called out 7.5mm dia at rear flange, or .295″dia , small for later making a 5/16″-40 thread.
                                2. If it is intended to be threaded at the boiler front end and screwed to the bushing, how would we make it steam tight? just pipe dope? (a gasket can be used at the backhead end on the reg flange, but I don’t see a sealing feature, ie flange, cone, step, pipe sealnt callout etc. at the front end.)
                                3. ‘balancing’ holes are shown on the top side of the regulator but no drain holes are shown on bottom. Drains front and back on the shaft side are suggested otherwise there will always be water laying in the shaft hole, which over time may cause corrosion.
                                4. 20 steam inlet holes are specified at #66 dia (0.83mm). This gives a total area of about 11 mm squared for steam inlet. Great, but the outlet hole is 2 mm dia or area 3.14 mm squared. Do we really need 20 inlet holes? I guess the intent may have been to stop droplets entering the small holes, but not sure this will be effective in practice. Probably better to use a high inlet pipe in a steam dome. A tapped hole in the reg body would allow the dry pipe to be assy’d after the reg was installed in the boiler.
                                Nicholas Farr
                                  Hi Jeff, thankyou for making your point clear, but I did metion this in my first post here. I still maintain that this will have to be formed at the very least before the half circle is cut out. I’m not dissagreeing with what you say, but I felt it may have been hard for beginners to understand and felt your sketch was not totally clear with the original notched area drawn dashed.

                                  For the benefit of beginners just saying something is wrong without explination is confusing.
                                  Regards Nick.
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