Just noticed something rather odd; which might possibly have some effect upon the slow performance of the database sorting:
The ‘path’ that I have outlined in red seems illogical to me
… Within that group of 25 there are several which are not Tea Room Topics.
Michael; this gets very difficult to demonstrate without including lots of screenshots, since it looks like the iPad’s display is slightly different to what I see in a PC browser window, where I readily see the page’s address.
The content though is the same.
Your own screenshot showed a list/table under the grey Banner of Latest Replies.
This is the most recently compiled Latest Replies list, generated by the site from when you last refreshed the screen.
The blue “Latest Replies” button is a hyperlink to this location on the same overall page to save the user scrolling down.
Any of the six (or seven+) “Forums” shortcuts takes you to a table of all of the site’s individual forums, shown in bold type.

Scrolling down that list and clicking on The Tea Room takes you here /forums/forum/the-tea-room/
i.e. the “Forums” section of the overall site > an individual Forum, called The Tea Room, but still at the head of it; normal typeface I think.

Now clicking on a singular topic in that list in The Tea Room forum, takes you here. We are now looking at a specific topic within the Forums part of the site’s structure

Scrolling down that same page, without using the “Latest Replies” blue button takes you here;
Note the address is the same. The Blue Button is just a scrolling shortcut to here further down the page.
This is the banner at the top of the previously compiled list of latest replies.

You are still in the same Tea Room topic, on the same page, but lower down it; now viewing the list of Latest Replies for the whole site, which as you say is huge, and was first generated when you originally viewed this topic in Tea Rooms.
I guess it takes a long time to re-generate.
Whenever you cause a screen refresh, by replying, visiting a different topic, pressing Forums, or the back button etc, this list is re-compiled; bear in mind other users may also be causing a re-compile at the same time as you.
If I view a Latest Replies list to see what’s changed recently, and (on a PC) > right click > open in a new tab, for say five interesting looking posts/topics, I re-generate this list five times at the foot of the page in each tab, and depending on how long I’ve been selecting the five new tabs, the lists may well be different if someone has posted during my selection.