I tried to avoid blowing down the lathe and mill for a long time, but I finally came to the realization that my machines would be forever dirty otherwise.
I use a lot of cast iron, and that dust goes everywhere.
I have read about the air driving dirt/dust into the ways, etc. but I can't say as I really see any problems from it.
I have reached the point where I would rather replace the equipment than have it dirty all the time.
Of course a good commercial dust mask is needed when blowing cast iron dust around.
I basically start at the top of the walls and work down until everything is on the floor, and then use the shop vac.
A crude but effective.
I found that a dirty shop is also a dangerous shop, and so I no longer leave any swarf laying around anywhere, but instead blow the machines off after each use.
But if I had expensive equipment, as some do, I would use the shop vac only.
Edited By PatJ on 01/02/2022 14:11:14