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    The Merry Miller

      According to the latest computer press releases, in respect of browsers, Chrome has now grabbed the number two spot from Firefox.

      Here we go again.

      Len. P.

      Les Jones 1

        I have one more niggle that I had forgotten about. It is the lack of an approximate location in profiles. There are occasions when a problem could be sorted out easier if the person offering help could actually see the problem. There is no point in offering to go round to look at the problem when you do not know if the person is in the next street or 10000 miles away.



          Hi John

          Also using Firefox – seems to work for me – yes screen goes grey – then just paste the required address into the box





          Edited By NJH on 17/02/2012 10:18:42

          Keith Wardill 1

            Perhaps the rising 'popularity' (?) of Chrome is due to the fact that Google has been pushing it on its Google Search Home page for months, and the only way to get rid of the confounded advert is to install it. Personally, I will never do that, given Googles demonstrated propensity for collecting private information illegally – I will keep usin Firefox until someone demonstrates it is als breaking privacy rights. I wouldn't even use Google itself if I could find a good useable alternative (cue the suggestions angel). As it is, I try to put as little private information as possible onto these sites.

            Gone Away

              Altavista used to be very good. I know it still exists but haven't got around to trying it lately.

              Edit: just tried …. seems Yahoo has got hold of it.

              Edited By Sid Herbage on 17/02/2012 18:20:21

              Cornish Jack

                Try Dogpile – it's another meta-search engine. No idea if it's any better than the others but, with a name like that, it sounds more like a threat to one's footwear than one's privacy!!smileywink


                  Hi Les

                  Yes I do find it very anoying when new people do not fill in there profile, Or the question usually worded something like I am not a ME, or want to know, the ones I suspect are dealers fishing for prices of kit or models, some will reply to the question but there is rarely an acknowledgement .just oh good I can now sell this for n pounds.


                  Les Jones 1

                    Hi Bob,

                    I can undestand people being conserned about putting too much information in their profile but putting the country and nearest major town would not cause a problem. That would be enough for a person offering help to know if it made sense to offer to visit them or suggest that they came to their workshop to solve the problem. One fairly recent request for a guide to the price of a lathe annoyed me as they could not even be bothered to clear all the rubbish from on top of the lathe.


                      Posted by wotsit on 17/02/2012 12:54:47:

                      I will never do that, given Googles demonstrated propensity for collecting private information illegally …..

                      cue the suggestions

                      You could try their privacy policy is here Sorry I couldn't put in the actual links as every time I press the link button the whole browser screen goes white and I lose the complete post angry

                      Although I can understand the privacy concerns, it is probably debatable as to whether Google's actions are actually illegal.

                      On the other hand, Google's search has really revolutionised the web, to do that requires an enormous and costly infrastructure funded almost completely from the little Google adverts. For better or for worse, it seems that a large part of Google's data collection policy is designed to maximise their advertisement income by better targeting of their ads.

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