Posted by Versaboss on 10/07/2022 14:58:29:
As this seems to be the place for all strange things, I present mine here.
Not that it disturbs me much, but strange it is nonetheless.
I am – for more time that I dare to think – a loyal user of Opera. But now, when I open the forum page, I get this:

whereas, when using Firefox, the page looks like that:

But please do not propose to ditch Opera – I will never do that!
Is Opera too fast to find the advertisement???
Regards, Hans
'Is Opera too fast to find the advertisement?' might be the answer! Is Opera's ad-blocking feature switched on? Opera claims speed advantages as a result of not retrieving or displaying any link in a webpage that might be an advert.
Ad-blockers usually allow advertising hosted directly by a website and only strip material hosted by an external website, especially those known to vend adverts. The Chronos ad in the top banner today comes from '', so an obvious target. Possibly Opera removes it, whilst Firefox doesn't. (Ad-blocking is a Firefox add-on, which has to be specifically installed by users and activated.)
Ad-blocking isn't entirely trouble free. Normally adverts are removed seamlessly, or they leave a harmless blank space, but stripping them out sometimes disrupts the format of legitimate content, causing odd side-effects like overlapping text and/or images.